Q: Are you having trouble verifying our email address?
Here are a few of the most common reasons why you didn’t receive a verification email.
1) Check your email spam/junk box.
Important* If you find our verification email in your spam/junk box, set email to “not junk or not spam” to make sure you received any future emails. Remember, you can always update notification settings to control the types of emails you receive from Meetpositives.com.
2) Did you enter the correct email?
If you entered a wrong email by error, simply update to the correct email. (See video below)
3) You exited meetpositives.com before completing our profile builder.
If this is the case, please log in to meetpositives.com and complete our profile builder. Once complete, you will be asked to verify your email address.
Did this help? If not, please contact support so we can help you get your profile email verified.